Between 20th and 21st May 2020, at Department of Environment, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) City Hall 2 (Din Daeng), Climate Change Strategy (CCS) Sub-division, Air and Quality and noise Management Division, Department of Environment (DOE) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) jointly arranged the training module 3 with the aim of enhancing knowledge and process on the new target setting for GHG mitigation and the goal of adaptation planning according to the recommendations from the Steering Committee 9 and Joint Coordination Committee 5 (SC9/JCC5) meeting on February 28th, 2020, in line with the national guideline for climate change implementation.
As for GHG mitigation (environmentally sustainable transport sector, energy efficiency and alternative energy sector, efficient solid waste management and wastewater treatment sector, green urban planning sector) under the current Master Plan, the training aimed at providing knowledge and building an understanding of steps for setting target for GHG mitigation, developing the target of GHG reduction from activities directly initiated by BMA, considering activities for reducing GHG emissions in line with the national approaches under Thailand’s Nationally Determined Contribution Roadmap on Mitigation 2021-2030 (Thailand’s NDC Roadmap).
For the training activity in adaptation planning, it aimed at enhancing knowledge, learning process, and an understanding the process for developing the goal of adaptation planning and adaptation activities, specifying adaption indicators, and considering the selection of adaptation measures in alignment with the national adaptation guidelines under the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).
Thus, to achieve the objective of the training module 3 activity, JICA experts, local consultants of task forces, task force members, and relevant BMA staff were invited to the training activity and to have discussion together.
เบอร์โทร: 022032955
โทรสาร: 022451890
111 อาคาร 1 ชั้น 2 สำนักสิ่งแวดล้อม ศาลาว่าการกรุงเทพมหานคร ดินแดง ถนนมิตรไมตรี แขวงดินแดง
เขตดินแดง กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400
Phone: 022032955
Fax: 022451890
Address: 111 Building 1, 2nd Floor, Department of Environment, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration City Hall 2 (Dindaeng),
Mitmaitri Rd., Dindaeng Sub-District, Dindaeng District, Bangkok, 10400